how to scan slides negatives photos into digital
Discover your family stories that lie hidden in your slides, negatives, and photos

"How To Easily Scan 1000 Images in 5 Days -- Without Loss In Image Quality"

Discover The Exact System I've Used When Scanning For Large Client's Like Multi Nationals, Museums, Book Publishers, Pro Sport Teams, Photographers, And Thousands Of Families

From: Konrad
Date: Feb 13, 2025

Dear reader,

Here are the top advantages you'll gain after reading this letter -- which do you want?

  • The exact system I use to scan 1000 images in 5 days -- without loss in scan quality
  • You have a new scan project -- but can't get started and need some ideas
  • You're interested in doing things right -- and you don't want to spend all your free time getting bad scans
  • Maybe you want to start your own scanning business
  • Maybe you're retired and you want to learn a new skill that you'll be proud of
  • You want to be good parents by spending time with your kids by watching old family stories on your HDTV or computer
  • Someday you want your grandkids also share your family story with their own children
  • Express your personality by learning how to become a digital image designer
  • Appreciate the beauty in your old family images
  • Be proud of your family history
  • Archive your family's historical past
  • Acquire vintage photos to add to your digital image collection
  • Be creative by learning something new about digital design and imaging
  • Being efficient is important to you -- you don't want to waste time learning, and more time doing
  • Be first in your family to get high resolution scans
  • Improve yourself mentally -- you're learning a new skill, and it doesn't have to take 4 years ... it can take 4 evenings
  • Be recognized as an authority in your family for scanning and digital design
  • Gain security knowing that your old photos are safe, saved at the highest quality possible
  • Gain praise from others for a job well done
  • Gain pride of accomplishment for learning something hard and overcoming obstacles
  • Gain self confidence by knowing that nothing is too technical for you... that new technology doesn't scare you... that you can be up to date
  • Save the frustration of having to rescan over and over again because the scanner didn't do a good job
  • Save worry that you're wasting time getting low quality scans
  • Satisfy your curiosity by learning a new skill that you never thought you could do
  • Be up-to-date by scanning your old photos into digital

Why care about learning how to scan? Because you'll only do this once. And if doing something right the first time is important to you, then this letter is going to help you gain that advantage.

Keep reading, and you'll learn how to gain these advantages...

Scan your dad's vintage slides into digital images
Scanning is NOT about preserving... it's about uncovering hidden family memories

Discover The Story That Lies Hidden In Your Slides, Negatives, and Photos

By scanning your old images, you are discovering your family story. People names, places, dates, memories that have been forgotten. They are probably your most important possession.

Think of your old images this way...

They hold historical value. Just like some old buildings or some historical images of famous people, your old slides, negatives, and photos are just as valuable. That's because they have a story. And by scanning those images, you are discovering that story. And by scanning, you are documenting that story so the next generation won't forget.

This is why it's important to scan them right, the first time.

And, what I'm going to help you do today is, show you how to scan your images into high resolution, high quality digital images -- in half the time.

Ready to learn a new skill that you never thought you'd be good at?

Great... Let's go, then!

Scan your dad's vintage slides into digital images
When was the last time you looked through your dad's collection of slides? © F. Steven's, dad's collection of Kodachrome film

A Little Mistake That Cost Me 56 Hours Worth of Scanning

Here's a quick story of how a scan project that should have taken me 16 hours to finish, took 56 hours.

The moral of this story is, if you're a person who wants to do things right, then listen to what I did wrong, here...

Back in 2005, I had a small scan project for an artist who was going to use the scans for his art exhibit.

How to scan slides negatives photos into digital
Scan used with only scan software vs. scan with NO scan software, but with Photoshop

To me the digital images looked good. But to him, he hated all of them.


Because, the scans didn't look anything like his originals. He knew his art intimately. He had an eye to spot the difference between the originals and the scans.

So, I had to go back and re-scan them. Not once. But for a total of 4 times.

This is what I want to help you avoid: wasting time with your scan project. If you find yourself rescanning all the time, you might quit your scan project.

Or worse, you might settle for low quality scans. That would be a shame, because there is an easy way to get high quality scans in half the time.

So, what was my big mistake? Why did I have to keep rescanning? How can you learn from my mistake?

That's next....

How to scan slides negatives photos into digital
D. Neal liked my new method of scanning so much, he helped me find new customers

This "Fool Idea" Helped Me Get Higher Quality Scans

Remember my story about the artist and his scan project?

What I did wrong was this...

I fixed the image BEFORE I did the scan. Meaning, I used the scan software to adjust the colours, exposure, lighting, dust and scratch. Then pressed the scan button.

No matter how many times I adjusted the scans, they still came out looking bad.


Scan software isn't perfect. When you adjust the image in a preview scan window, it may look great. But once the scanner starts processing your adjustments, the digital image looks nothing like the preview scan or the original slide, negative, photos.

How to scan slides negatives photos into digital
Scan software vs. Photoshop -- scan software isn't perfect

This was my "fool idea". Almost by accident, I decided not to use the scan software to fix a scan... and just get a "natural" scan. Meaning, no colour, lighting, dust fixes.

Then I decided to tinker with the bad scan in Photoshop, GIMP, and Lightroom.

And I was shocked at what sort of quality I got. It quickly hit me that I figured out a new method of scanning that is far superior than the old way.

The answer was so obvious! Professional artists and photographers always use software like Photoshop, GIMP, CorelDRAW, Lightroom to fix digital images.

Why not scans, too!?

slide scan at 18 mega pixels, nikon, photoshop,
Remember when every weekend in the summer the family always did something? Slide scan from Sylva A. collection.

Proof That The New Scanning Method is Better Than The Old One

Again, the idea is simple: Instead of editing the image before the scan, do it AFTER.

This little secret method of scanning is what has helped me become a professional scanner for 11 years.

I probably told you this before, but I've been scanning professionally since 2005. I've helped multi national companies, museums, pro sports teams, governments, book publishers, and thousands of families with their scan projects.

slide scan at 18 mega pixels, nikon, photoshop,
You will learn the exact same scan system that I use

The reason I'm telling you this is because of my "fool idea" of editing the digital images after the scan is what attracted all those companies, organizations and people to me.

People tried scanning. They weren't getting the quality they thought they get. So they tried me out. And my scans looked 10 to 100x better than they could get. That's why they hired me. That's why I get good word of mouth.

Also, I use this system to scan 1000 images in 5 days -- and still maintain the highest quality possible.

And in a moment, I'll share with you my exact scan system I've been using professionally to scan 1000 images in 5 days.

This New Method of Scanning Is Catching On...

Also, I'm not the only one that supports this new scanning method.

slide scan at 18 mega pixels, nikon, photoshop,
Hasselblad, X5 scanner is priced at $26,500

Hasselblad makes scanners that are priced at $26,500. They too are proponents of editing the digital images AFTER the scan. And have a built in workflow to let you edit your scans after.

How To Do Wonders With A $150 Scanner and Inexpensive Software

So, what can you do? Do you need to buy expensive software? Do you need to buy expensive scanners? Do you need to spend 4 years learning graphic design?


I'll show you how to do wonders with a $150 scanner. And you don't need to buy expensive software -- in fact, you can use free software. You don't need to learn anything technical. You'll learn what took me 11 years to learn, in a very short time.

It Took Me 11 Years To Perfect Scanning -- And You're Going To Learn It In an Evening

What I'm about to share with you took me 11 years of trial and error, lots of mistakes, lots of wasted free time to figure out.

You don't need to spend 11 years learning this. You can do it an evening.

You don't need to buy expensive scanners. In my examples you'll see soon, I use a $150 scanner to prove my point.

You don't need to buy expensive software. You can use free software.

After scanning over 931,000 slides, negatives, photos since 2005, I've honed my scanning skills -- and I want to share with you what I've learned.

ANNOUNCING -- The "ScanShop System: High Quality Scans, In Half The Time"

The 3-Part Scan System For Improving Productivity, Finish Your Project Twice As Fast, And Get Higher Quality Scans

You're going to learn a new skill. After finishing this training, you will be proud of your accomplishment of learning this new skill. And your family will praise you when they see the quality of your scans.


The first thing I should mention is, this is not where your browse and say, "oh nice, good idea!".

These are NOT some generic tips. It's designed as a comprehensive step-by-step training program so you see RESULTS right away. My goal is so that you take 1.5 hours of your day, and do the ACTION STEPS.

These ACTION STEPS are designed so you see results in real time. There is no theory. No fluff. Just exact direction, with pictures, diagrams, and instructions on what to open, where to click, and what to do.

You will learn everything from the ground up. And it's a complete system teaching you how to improve the quality of your scans... and show you how to improve your productivity so you can get your scan project done faster.

I designed it so it should take you 3 - 4 evenings to finish the training.

At the end of your training, it will help you finish your project twice as fast, and improved the quality of every scan – I guarantee it.

"Scanshop System: Advanced Scan Training" Details

How To Get Higher Quality Scans And Improve Your Productivity So You Finish Your Scan Project Twice As Fast

Here's a break down of the Scanshop System: Complete Scan Training Program...

Sample pages in the Scanshop Ebook

1. Double Your Productivity By Making A Change To Your Workflow

In the first section, you'll be introduced to what I believe is a powerful set of methods to help you double your productivity. Let me explain...

  • The old method of scanning was invented by scanner brands and marketers to sell more scanners
  • If you ever tried scanning, you know that what they promise in their marketing is NOT what actually happens in real life
  • There is NO one-button you press, and presto, you get quality scans every time
  • Their system was made to sell more scanners, and not help you improve your productivity
  • So instead, you'll discover a new, innovative scanning method designed by a person that has been scanning almost every day for 10 years
  • We'll cover how to eliminate relying on your scanner and start developing your own personal skills at scanning so you get quality scans every time, and control your efficiency
  • It's easy to learn, easy to remember, and best of all you'll see improvements in your scanning time and quality right away

After you master a better workflow, a smarter method of scanning, you'll then go onto part two...

Sample pages in the Scanshop Ebook

2. Top Ten Familiar Scanning Troubles -- Which Do You Want To Overcome?

In the second part of the scan training, you'll get a very important lesson. You'll see how your scanner messes up your scans. In my 10 years of scanning, I've noticed a pattern. There is usually 8 to 10 issues with a scans colours, lighting, and noise. Not matter if it's a slide, negative, or photo scan.

Why bother learn this? Because...

  • If you know what the 10 scan problems are, you can spot issues faster
  • In an instant you'll start noticing how your scanner messes up colours, lighting, and noise
  • You'll develop an intuitive feel with every scan... and when you open it up to fix it, you'll know EXACTLY what you need to fix
  • This is how you improve your productivity... you don't rely on scanner software... you rely on your brain... you rely on your skills... you rely on your efficiency... you rely on your intuition
  • If you don't know what the 10 scans problems are, you'll be sitting there all day tinkering with scanning software not knowing where to start and what to do
  • Don't put your trust in your scanner software... take control by knowing exactly what goes wrong when scanning... take control of your productivity so you can improve your efficiency

I've boiled down very complicated, technical issues when it comes to scanning into 8 – 10, bite-sized chunks that are easy to remember. My goal is to make your scan project go faster. My goal in this part is so you develop an intuitive feel when scanning. And this will help you become more efficient. If you rely on your scan software, you won't develop this intuition... and you'll waste time tinkering around.

Sample pages in the Scanshop Ebook

3. You Don't Need Expensive Software or Scanners To Get High Quality Scans

So, once you've developed an intuitive feel with the 10 scan problems, you can now move onto the HOW part. In part 3, you will get a "blueprint", a step-by-step system showing you how to fix all those problems. You will get diagrams, pictures, action steps, videos, showing you what to open, what tools to use, and how to use them.

And here's the best part...

You can do wonders with a $150 scanner and free software. You don't need expensive software and scanners. And I'll show you exactly how to scan and edit your images with spending as little money as possible.

Also, if you don't mind spending more money on a scanner and software, then I have lessons for you, too.

Here's a list of you should expect inside the Scanshop System: Complete Scan Training Program...

  • A proven system that's new and innovative and will cut your scanning time by 50% or more
  • Top 5 problems with scan colours... pages 14 – 15
  • And the exact steps and instructions on how to fix those problems... page 26
  • Learn 3 issues with scan lighting so your scans aren't too bright or dark and hide important details... page 20
  • Why negatives are always grainy when scanned... page 22
  • The exact steps steps on how to remove noise from negatives using , Lightroom, Elements, CorelDRAW, GIMP... page 33
  • A 3 step system to spot problems with colours so you can quickly fix them and not waste time wondering why the colours look bad... page 16
  • How Digital ICE ruins your scans, and see if using this is worth it to you... page 23
  • Don't want to fix dust manually? Then use this guide on how to combine Digital ICE with Photoshop, Lightroom, Elements, CorelDRAW, GIMP so you get best of both worlds – convenience and quality... page 40
  • A 10 Step System showing you exactly, with images and diagrams, on how to fix color, lighting, and dust using Photoshop, Lightroom, Elements, CorelDRAW, GIMP... pages 25 to 67
  • How to fix faded colours using ONE step... page 28
  • Are your scans too bright or too dark? Here's how to fix this problem with ONE step... page 30
  • The exact steps on how to warm up colours so 50 year old photos look brand new... page 35
  • Are your slide scans coming out too red? Here's how to get rid of the reddish tint... page 40
  • No technical jargon... just easy to follow, step-by-step pictures and guides so you see RESULTS right away
  • How to remove dust manually, where to click, what to press, so you do this quickly and not spend all your time clicking on dust all day... page 47
  • How to use the Clone Stamp tool to fix rips and scratches to very old images... page 51
  • Top ten reason why this new way of scanning and editing is better than the old way... page 10
  • A simple 3 step action plan to improve your workflow so you're not wasting your free time scanning all day... page 11
  • The real reason why scanning is slow is NOT because your scanner isn't expensive enough, it's this... page 7
  • 5 Step System to speed up your scan project by 50% and still get quality, detailed images... page 64

So What Do You Get? Here's What's Inside...

1. You get a collection of 5 ebooks...

  • Each ebook is about 50 pages, jam packed with training, and easy to follow how to steps.
  • Each ebook is broken down into 3 parts. Remember...
  • Part 1 you learn how to change your workflow, and double your productivity.
  • Part 2 you learn how to spot issues with scanning so you develop an intuitive feel so you can control your efficiency.
  • Part 3 shows you exact steps and instructions on HOW to fix those problems using Lightroom, Elements, Photoshop, GIMP, or CorelDRAW.

2. You also get 5 video scanning tutorials.
How to fix scans in Lightroom, Elements, GIMP, Photoshop, CorelDRAW

  • Watch step-by-step, easily to follow tricks and techniques using advanced editing methods using Lightroom, Elements, Photoshop, GIMP, and CorelDRAW
  • These editing techniques are specifically designed for fixing slide, negative, and photo scans
  • There is no fluff, or technical jargon... you see exactly what to open, where to click, what to slide, and what your scans will look like before and after

Follow along with the ebooks and videos, and I promise that you'll have learned advanced scan and editing techniques that take graphic designers years to master.

It took me 11 years to figure this stuff out!

So, how can you invest in the "Scanshop System: Complete Scan Training Program"?

That's coming up...

scanshop system, complete scan training program with lightroom, elements, gimp, photoshop, and coreldraw
Remember when you and your siblings use to get along? Slide scan from W. Ange collection.

Use "Scanshop System: Complete Edition" Risk Free, 100% Money Back Guarantee

This is probably the most important investment you'll make in regards to your scan project. And I assure you that the tips and techniques you'll get in the book will help you speed up your scanning and get better quality digital photos.

But if you don't find it useful at any time, that's ok. Email me saying "Cancel" in the subject. And you will get a full refund -- no questions asked. You can keep all 5 ebooks and videos. And you keep all bonuses -- you will get future updates, new ebooks, new videos, new trainings.

I really do want to help you with your scan project. I'm committed. And I'm confident in my work. That's why I want to back it up with a no hassle guarantee, and take all the risk.

How much does it cost, then?

scanshop system, complete scan training program with lightroom, elements, gimp, photoshop, and coreldraw
Did you find old negative film and not sure who or what's in them? Negative scan from W. Ange collection.

You're Going To Get Scans That Are Worth $2500

At, I charge $2.50 per scan.

In other words, if you came to me with 1000 slides scans, than your bill would be $2500.

scanshop system, complete scan training program with lightroom, elements, gimp, photoshop, and coreldraw
You'll learn how to get scans that are worth $2500

That's how valuable this scan system is you're about to learn. But, to make my "Scanshop System" more accessible to people, I've decided to price the ebook and video trainings at only $97.00 $9.97

You get everything I've mentioned...

  • The entire collection of 5 ebook scanning course
  • The entire collection of 5 video training show you exact, step-by-step instructions
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee: Take as long as you like, and if you are not satisfied with the scanning course at any time, you're entitled to a full refund, and you can keep all the content
  • Any future updates, new ebooks, new videos
  • Total value of the complete edition is $97.00 $9.97.
Scanshop system: complete scan training program

Click the "Download Now" button to order it for (Value: )
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Scanshop System is guaranteed

Here's How Everything Works

Follow these simple steps...

  • Click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button below
  • You'll be taken to a secure payment page
  • I use Paypal to handle all secure payment
  • But you don't need to register with Paypal
  • You'll see, "Don't Have a Paypal Account" link
  • Click that, and you can pay via credit card
  • After your checkout, you'll be directed to a new page, and get an email, so you can view and download your ebook bundle
  • All future updates will be emailed to you
  • You'll see "" on your credit card bill
  • Use the books and videos for as long as you like. Not happy? No problem! Email me and I'll issue a full refund... and keep all the content!
Scanshop system: complete scan training program

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Did your parents live or travel abroad and have a lot of slides?
Did your parents live or travel abroad? C. Françoise, 1955, slide scan

Let's Sum Up Everything You're Going To Get For Only $97.00 $9.97

Top Advantages You'll Gain After Learning The ScanShop System

  • This course is designed to help you finish 1000 scans in 5 days -- and maintaining the highest quality possible
  • Don't spend months on your scan project, or you may give up and never do finish it
  • Be up-to-date by scanning your old photos into digital
  • Satisfy your curiosity by learning a new skill that you never thought you could do
  • Discover the stories that lie hidden in your family slides, negatives, photos
  • Maybe use this scanning method to start your own business
  • Maybe you're retired want a new scan project -- but don't know where to start
  • You want to be be good parents by scanning your old photos into highest quality possible
  • You'll express your personality by learning how to become a digital photo designer
  • Be recognized by your family as the authority in scanning and digital design
  • Get praise from family for a job well done
  • Gain pride of accomplishment for learning something hard and overcoming obstacles
  • Gain self confidence that you learned something technical

Here's Everything You Get...

  • 5 Ebooks of jam packed scanning tips designed for you by somebody who's been scanning for almost every day for 11 years
  • 5 Videos showing you exactly how to use complicated, advanced editing techniques to fix your scans... in a easy to follow, step-by-step blueprint
  • Discover a new, innovative way to improve your productivity so you can finish your scan project 50% faster
  • Don't waste your free time scanning the old way
  • Get the exact scan system I use at
  • The price for my scan services is $2.50 per scan... so if you hired me with 1000 pictures, it cost you $2500
  • Choose which software you want to use (free version, $100 version, or the $1000 version (Lightroom, Elements, Photoshop, GIMP, CorelDRAW
  • Get all 5 video tutorials (Lightroom, Elements, Photoshop, GIMP, CorelDRAW)
  • All future updates, new ebooks, new videos
  • Get it for only: $97.00 $9.97
  • Use the books and videos for as long as you like. Not happy? No problem! Email me with the subject "Cancel" and I'll issue a full refund... and keep all the content for your troubles

But hurry! This offer does close, and won't be available to you after the expiration date.

Scanshop system: complete scan training program

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Thanks! Your Support Helps A Lot

I'm excited to help you with your scan project. You're going to learn a lot. You're going to develop a new skill. You will scan your family history at the highest quality possible. You won't waste your free time scanning all day. And you will have fun!

Thank you, your support helps a lot


Brantford ON Canada

Have a peek at what some of my students wrote after going through the training:

Konrad, thank you for this.  It has been very helpful.  I am beginning to scan in slides going back to the late 60s.  These slide are important to me and you've helped me scan them correctly.
Dan L.

I appreciate all your help, and thank you soooo, love love all your other tips.

Thank you for your tutorials. Dusty slides have been my nemesis but I've used the clone stamp to get rid of the most offensive bits. Yes, I try to clean the slides before I scan because you are correct, you don't notice the really fine dusty bits when you look at the slide with the naked eye. Just wanted to say Thanks for your advice. It's appreciated.
Matt D

Hello Konrad,   I have read your PDF guide to scanning and want to thank you for your really helpful work. Like you, I feel that scanning the negatives as a pure scan, then adjusting in GIMP or Photoshop would be the best way to make the adjustments.
John F.

Konrad, thank you for a very good treatment of scanning of slides, negatives, and photos.

Thanks for the great tips on scanning.  I just bought an Epson 600 scanner to scan all of my 35 year old slides into digital format.  Your book is by far the most helpful out there, especially since your examples are shown with the Epson scanner software.  Thanks again for your helpful tips.

Thanks for the great book on scanning.  I was going to buy photoshop but if gimp works as well I will try that.

Scanshop system: complete scan training program

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Slide Negative Scanning Services
Do your parents have slides of their vacation before they started their family?

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Discover the stories that lie hidden in your slides and negatives

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Spend a family night sharing stories from your old slides and negatives

Slide Negative Scanning Services
What adventures did your family do on vacations -- that you've forgotten about?

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Remember summer road trips with the family?

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Learn how to convert your parents' photo album into beautiful digital images

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Got an old box of negatives going back to the 1920's? Discover the people who are in those old images

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Did your dad go on a road trip in the 70s, too? (after watching Easy Rider?)

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Learn how to get higher quality scans like this -- in just 4 evenings

Slide Negative Scanning Services
Express your creativity by learning how edit your scans so they look better than the originals

Slide Negative Scanning Services
You don't need an expensive scanner to get quality scans like this

Slide Negative Scanning Services
You'll be proud of your accomplishment when you learn how to scan like this

Konrad Michniewicz
Thanks for dropping by! -- Konrad